Monday, July 23, 2012

Musk Ox!

The Musk Ox was considered extinct in Alaska until it was reintroduced in 1930. In the 1960's a man named John Teal decided to try and domesticate these animals because of their extremely warm fur called quiviut. We went to the only Musk Ox farm in the world where they are continuing Teal's work actively trying to domesticate this still-wild beast. 

Here's some video I took. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Palmer Museum Garden

Fort Mcgilvray

We hiked about a mile up to this abandoned fort. It was pitch black inside, and all I had to guide me was my camera's flash. 

This is what it looked liked before I put the flash up. 

And after...

Check out this Gun Block

On the way to Cain's Head

We took a short boat trip to visit an old military installation called Fort Mcgilvray. The shoreline was pretty awesome. 

I love the way the water flattened all these rocks.

Balto: We Meet at Last

In 1995 my dad took me to see the movie Balto. I was five years old. Seventeen years later I finally get to meet the legend.

Me with the Legend himself!

The Anchorage Base

Our house here in Anchorage is pretty cool. We're only spending a week here, then it's up to Denali!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Exit Glacier

Exit Glacier has slowly been receding due to the warming climate. Made from compacted ice that failed to melt from the winter, this glacier flows out of the Harding ice sheet. It really is a marvelous natural structure and only a mile or so from the road.